Become one of our Sponsors!

The first event for Entrepreneurs and C-Level Executives to Beat Burnout!

Partner with us

Sponsoring M2M Summit boosts your brand's exposure and links you with key business leaders and scholars for positive impact in your company.

  • 91% of UK adults experienced high or extreme stress in the past year.

    The Burnout Report 2024 - Mental Health UK

  • 49% report their organization does not have stress management plans.

    The Burnout Report 2024 - Mental Health UK

  • 35% of workers do not feel comfortable raising stress concerns at work.

    The Burnout Report 2024 - Mental Health UK

  • 51% considered quitting their jobs / business ventures due to stress or burnout in 12 months.


Benefits for Sponsors

Increased Brand Visibility

Sponsoring the M2M Summit provides a unique opportunity to elevate your brand’s visibility among a highly targeted audience of entrepreneurs and C-Level executives. Your brand will be prominently featured on event materials, websites, and social media, ensuring maximum exposure and recognition.

Networking and Engagement Opportunities

As a sponsor, you will have the chance to engage directly with influential leaders, decision-makers, and innovators in the entrepreneurial community. This includes networking sessions, workshops, and the opportunity to present your products or services, fostering valuable connections and potential partnerships.

Association with a Positive Cause

By supporting M2M Summit, you are aligning your brand with a vital cause—promoting mental wellbeing and resilience among entrepreneurs. This association enhances your corporate social responsibility profile and demonstrates your commitment to supporting the health and success of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.